Technical Specifications:
Dimensions: 50 x 40 x 15 cm
the weight : 12 kg
the origin: Made in Taiwan with European components
Production Capacity: 5 gallons / day (320 liter/ day)
Electrical feeding: 220 volts
New Doctor Water works with 7 stages ( 12 stages multimedia ) of advanced technology for sterilization and treatment
Removes impurities, dirt and rust from water which larger than 5 micron
in size and made of polypropylene yarns.
(It changes every 3 months)
The second stage: granular active carbon
consists of the activated carbon extracted from the activated coconut to increase its ability to remove taste, smell, color and chlorine from the water.
(It changes every 6 months)
To remove organic, biological and plankton materials which exceed 1 micron in size
(It changes every 6 months)
The fourth stage: Membrane (RO)
reverse osmosis (RO)
It is one of the most important stages of the system, and it works with the reverse osmosis system, located at the root of plants, where the water passes through a semipermeable membrane with porosity of 0.0001 micron, the pure water molecules are separated from the remaining pollutants and excess salts and Bacteria and viruses and get rid of them directly through flow restrictor .
(It Changed from 6 to 18 months)
It is made of hard active carbon and its mission is to ensure the performance of all stages that the water passes on after storage
(It changes every year)
Sixth stage: Triple processing stage 3 * 1
It is a stage that consists of three basic groups:
1- Magnetic filter
2- Calcite filter
3- Bio gentic filter
It is the stage that removes the surface tension of water, neutralizes the water pH and prevents the growth of bacteria, and this improves the metabolism of the cell in the body, improve blood circulation, raise the level of oxygen in the blood, control the level of cholesterol in the blood and reduce the level of acidity in the body, which improves general health.
(It changes from 2 years to 3 years)
The seventh stage: BIO CERAMIC 4 * 1
It consists of four basic groups of different natural rocks, which provide the body with the necessary mineral salts for it, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
(It changes from 2 years to 3 years)
The device features:
-European materials and technology.
– making an alert if it requires a replacement of spare parts in the machine with auto alarm.
– Auto flash for back washing the machine.
– Measure the percentage of salts in the water before treatment and show it on the external screen of the device.
– measure the percentage of salts in the water after treatment and show them on the external screen of the device
– A counter to measure the osmotic pressure of the device
– The production capacity is 320 liter per day
– The device is low in electricity consumption
– It has a ceramic faucet to prevent the growth of bacteria.
– All components of the device against the growth of bacteria.
– Shock resistance.
– The device obtain quality certificate from the National Research Center.
– manufactured specifically for the company of Aqua technology international.
– Modern and distinctive shape suitable for all tastes.